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Visual resources

In this pack you will find a selection of visual supports that you can download, print off and use to support you child with their transition back to school and beyond!

Included is a selection of icons for different items and activities. Your child may be used to using pictures of the actual items / activities or ‘widgit’ icons, so feel free to continue using what works for you. 

There is a template for a daily timetable which you could laminate and stick on the icons each day using velcro, depending on what will be happening. This can be displayed somewhere prominent in your house and used as a reference throughout the day. 

For a more immediate schedule you could use either the ‘first/then’ board or the ‘first/next/then’ board; these visuals can help to show your child when they can access their rewards, e.g. first work, then TV.

Additionally there is a ‘days of the week wheel’ which you can make by cutting out both circles and affixing the days wheel on top of the other wheel. This can then be rotated daily to highlight what day it is and also what day was yesterday, and what day is tomorrow.

Download your visual resources.

Additional resources

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