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Empowering People, Launching lives

BeyondAutism Fast Responder®

In response to the disproportionate and growing number of suspensions and permanent exclusions of autistic pupils, our unique BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service provides needs-led inclusive solutions.


Pupils who receive SEN support are 4.5x more likely to be excluded than those receiving no SEN support.¹ Autistic pupils were found to be twice as likely to be permanently excluded than pupils without SEN.²

To reduce this national picture, it is crucial that autistic children and young adults access learning in environments that are inclusive and supportive of their needs; with school teams who are confident in teaching SEN pupils and have the strategies and resources in place that enable proactive approaches to behaviours that challenge.

Without this support I would have left my role.

With a collaborative and non-judgemental ethos, our service activates networks and builds local capacity to increase inclusive practices and reduce SEN exclusions. Watch the video below to find out more about BeyondAutism Fast Responder® and how Turner Schools have found implementing the service.



BeyondAutism Fast Responder®

Our unique approach for proven and cost-effective reduction in school exclusions for SEN.

Who do we support?

  • Those with emerging signs indicating support needs or those at point of crisis
  • Those with an autism diagnosis, awaiting an autism diagnosis, or who have been identified to be referred for an autism assessment
  • Those with or without an EHCP

What do we offer?

  • Training for school teams on autism and proactive approaches through our 24/12 approach, responding to referrals with a school visit within 24 hours of triage and offering up to 12 hours of support*
  • Evidence-based approach with sustained and rapid impact outcomes for children – 96% of pupils in our pilot remained in their placements with no further suspensions
  • Collaborative and person-centred approaches

*If more support is needed, this can be provided.


Watch the video below for some commonly asked questions about BeyondAutism Fast Responder®.


Our BeyondAutism Fast Responder® models

Expert In Residence Subscription Model

  • Identify or employ up to four members of staff within your school, Multi Academy Trust, or Local Authority to become BeyondAutism Fast Responders®.
  • Your BeyondAutism Fast Responders® receive a four-day training course on delivering the 24/12 approach, from assessment to intervention to increase inclusive practice.
  • Your BeyondAutism Fast Responder® team implement the support, with access to a wealth of resources, group supervision, support in facilitating parent groups, and school leaders training from BeyondAutism through an annual subscription to our service.

Find out more about our ‘Expert in Residence’ model, including pricing, here.

Spot purchase

  • In our Rapid Response (spot purchase) model, you can commission BeyondAutism Fast Responders® to deliver the service on a referral-by-referral basis.
  • Support includes access to:
    • a dedicated and experienced BeyondAutism Outreach Consultant
    • a response or visit within 24 hours of triaging the referral
    • Up to 12 hours of input, more can be provided if necessary
    • access to a wealth of resources

Find out more about the ‘Rapid Response’ spot purchase model, including pricing, here.

“[The service] exceeded expectations. [BeyondAutism Fast Responder’s®] support in difficult times for the team was superb. Support was praised by the staff as insightful and welcome with so many ideas to try. The way in which [they were] able to look at information and pull [their] knowledge along with [their] observations of the child and team to pull together the support package was amazing.”

SENCo from a BeyondAutism Fast Responder® school

Outcomes and benefits

  • Children previously at risk of exclusion are supported to achieve in their local setting; resulting in a positive experience of education that directly benefits their mental health and wellbeing, and that of their family
  • Equipped with the strategies and resources they need, teaching staff are confident in understanding and supporting SEN pupils; leading to a reduction of behaviours that challenge in school and an increase in school wide inclusive practices
  • Reduced reliance on the use of 1:1s
  • Positive school wide cultural changes
  • Collaborate alongside a network of BeyondAutism Fast Responders® to further draw upon expertise, developing and disseminating understanding of the early signs that can lead to placement breakdowns, and lead on driving effective early interventions
  • CPD opportunities for staff within your school, Multi Academy Trust, or Local Authority who are trained to deliver the BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service, utilising your existing resources to build capacity
  • Improved communication, knowledge sharing and problem solving between staff teams and settings
  • Associated cost savings for Local Authorities


Learn why we had 100% positive feedback from the schools involved in our pilot here.


Get in touch

If you are interested in our BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service, please complete the form below. Or get in touch at or 020 3031 9702.

BeyondAutism Fast Responder® interest

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We’re currently running our #IncludedNotExcluded campaign to help us fund 3 subscriptions to the service. This will provide training for 12 BeyondAutism Fast Responders®, who will in turn support up to 360 pupils per year. To find out more, head over to our dedicated campaign page.


1. Government Data. Permanent exclusions and suspensions in England; Academic Year 2020/21, accessed here, 22.09.2023
2. Guldberg, K, Wallace, S, Bradley, R, Perepa, P, Ellis, L & MacLeod, A. 2021, Investigation of the causes and implications of exclusion for autistic children and young people. University of Birmingham


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