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Empowering People, Launching lives

Case studies 2020/21

Click the links below to read some of our case studies from the 2020/21 academic year.

Building up transition skills with a 3-year-old with a visual schedule  Marta Rapp Wright 
Behaviours that challenge
Parent’s engagement in ABA therapy and their impact in the reduction of behaviour that is perceived to challenge Filipa Costa 
Reducing self-injurious behaviours in a school setting Amy Sarrasin 
Staff evaluation of training on Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) and positive handling strategies: a social validity assessment  Carrie Caceres-Taguiang 
Functional communication training and manipulation of discriminative stimuli to reduce behaviours that challenge maintained by access to routines Cat Bradly 
A longitudinal study examining interventions at decreasing behaviour that challenges whilst increasing emotive communication in a pupil with autism Jordana Lyons 
An evaluation of effective implementation of ABA on the outcomes across learning domains for children with ASD
Mansi Rajadhyaksha
Analysis of feeding with a fork for a pupil with feeding disorders
Patrycja Marcinkowska 
Positive practice overcorrection
Rachael Hlomador 
Separation anxiety – a case study on transitioning into a school-based setting Liz Burns 
Social skills
Time to play- increasing the duration of play and social interaction in Sixth Form Karolina Gburczyk  
Introducing the AIM curriculum to support social-emotional development in individuals with autism
Rachel Turner  
Developing a shared interest in peer groups through hobbies and experience, giving pupil voice to their future Rhian Mitchell 
Learning and online learning
Assessing the impact of introducing the AQA award system on the outcomes for our pupils Amber Downing 
Exploring online learning and how our learners can adapt and still make progress Leah Townsend 
Teaching object imitation skills using a modified errorless teaching procedure Jalpa Shah 
Teaching across a range of responses to develop the concept of telling-time
Bobbie Stone 
Using video conferencing to deliver an ITT session Melissa Fernandes 
Evidence collection
Implementation of technology to support evidence collection in the EYFS Sarah Dominic 
Supporting transitions
Supporting the transition of a reception pupil into Park House School after an absence of formal education for 9 months Matthew Wicks 
Parent confidence
Looking at the impact of attending BeyondAutism’s Early Years’ Service on the confidenceresilience, and overall outlook of a parent Sarah Larner  


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