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Empowering People, Launching lives

Innovation Hub

Welcome to BeyondAutism’s Innovation Hub, a platform designed to capture innovative solutions to often complex challenges faced by autistic people, their families and those who support.  

Our vision is to ensure autistic children and young adults access an education which empowers a life full of choice, independence, and opportunity. To do this, we know new ideas and approaches are needed, as the current systems provided to autistic people and their families are not working for all.   

Our services are shaped around 5 objectives

School icon

Reduced school placement breakdown

Empowering schools to manage behaviour and remove barriers to learning

Employability icon

Increased employability

With the skills and confidence to enter the work place, promoting independence and broadening opportunities

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People with autism have the life skills to live their ideal week

Empowering choice, opportunity and independence

Family icon

Increased resilience and confidence in families

Because families who are resilient, informed and confident make very different decisions, directly impacting the outcomes for their children

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Communities are supported to include people with autism

Breaking the cycle of prejudice so that people with autism have choice and opportunity


We know collaboration and coproduction is key to establishing successful services. BeyondAutism’s history is filled of such examples, from the founding parents who started our charity, to the development of our Early Years and Post-19 services.  

We invite you to share your ideas and the need, problems or challenges they hope to solve by completing the form below: 

Innovation hub: discovery and concept

Which best describes you?(Required)
Which of our strategic objectives does your idea link to? (Tick all that apply)(Required)
Would you like updates regarding our response to your idea?(Required)

Registered Charity No. 1082599. VAT No. 480334795. Registered in England and Wales Ltd by guarantee No. 4041459.
Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW