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Empowering People, Launching lives

Outreach and consultancy

Our expert team can provide specialist support, tailored to your provision, to help overcome the barriers that result in exclusions. 

We believe that a specialist education can transform the lives of autistic children and young adults. Autism is lifelong, and we know early intervention and the right support have a lasting impact. That’s why we have developed a range of outreach, training and consultancy services which utilise the knowledge and expertise of our highly skilled staff to deliver life changing outcomes for autistic children and young adults in other services and at home. Our approach looks at both the individual and the system as a whole, providing person-centred interventions to improve quality of life.

With increasing pressure on schools to achieve outstanding results, and for Local Authorities to deliver against budgets, it is not surprising that many schools are faced with significant challenges in supporting learners to achieve their desired outcomes and successfully transition to the next stage in their education.

To find out how our Outreach service might be able to help further, please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have or fill out our form for a free consultation. For examples of the kind of support we can offer download our handy guide.

“The Outreach service was of excellent standard. We couldn’t have asked for a better staff member to support us. He made such a difference with the services that he was working in.”

Outreach service user

Children with Special Educational Needs are 4.5 times more likely to be excluded for a fixed period or permanently than pupils with no special educational needs.¹ BeyondAutism’s Outreach service has the experience and expertise to support Local Authorities, schools, families and pupils in overcoming the barriers that result in exclusions.


Our Outreach models

Spot purchase model

This model is for cases where a learner’s behaviour is creating a barrier to them accessing education in their current placement. Our person-centred approach involves assessing the causes of the behaviour, and upskilling the staff team to support the learner and implement an effective intervention that ultimately will reduce exclusions. Over time our support is faded until external support is no longer required.

Spot purchase EBSA outreach

This model is a practical and supportive approach to the difficulties accessing education for learners experiencing Emotionally Based School Avoidance. Similar to the standard outreach model, we span both the school and home environments, working closely with school and local authority teams to implement function based interventions in a timely fashion, with the aim of avoiding the downward spiral of not attending school and becoming socially isolated.

Schoolwide PBS consultancy

Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an established model of support for education settings, based on the principles of Positive Behaviour Support. This consultancy model establishes one of the outreach team in your schools interdisciplinary team to take a lead on behaviour support. Working with in-house behaviour leads we will help establish a culture of Positive Behaviour Support from the bottom up, creating capable environments and individualised support to reduce levels of behaviours that challenge and potential placement breakdown. Find out more about this model in our case study with Dysart School.

Our Outreach Team can provide:

  • Group INSET training on autism and behaviour analysis
  • Specific 1:1 support for a staff member or team working with a learner
  • Support on behaviour, including creating individual behaviour plans
  • Support for the wider team around the child, including parents/carers
  • See more examples here


Our support is suitable for:

  • Local Authorities (Special Schools and Mainstream settings)
  • Multi academy trusts (MATs)
  • Nurseries
  • Maintained Schools and Academies
  • Independent Schools
  • Colleges and Further Education settings


All outreach provided is completely bespoke to the individual setting. The list above shows just a few ways in which we can support, to find out how we can help you and your learners, get in touch on or 020 3031 9705.

Our approach

The Outreach service is bespoke to each individual learner or environment and our processes for providing support adapt to this. Our step-by-step process ensures we are the right service to respond to the need, and then works methodologically through an assessment process. This then informs our response. Our impact is continuously tracked and reviewed, ensuring rapid progress is achieved.

Download our referral process document or see an outline of the steps below.

Step 1: referral


  • A referral is made from a school or local authority.

Triage (week 1)

  • A pre-assessment triage is completed to establish if the Outreach service is appropriate. Consent is confirmed.


Step 2: free assessment*

Indirect (week 2)

  • In-direct assessments take place, including meeting with members from the network and review of relevant documentation.

Direct (week 2-3)

  • Direct assessments take place with the learner, normally within the learning environment. These include observational tools.

* Travel outside the M25 is rechargeable to the school or setting


Step 3: proposal

Recommendations (week 3)

  • The information gained from the assessment is presented within a recommendations report and proposed response. This includes support that BeyondAutism can provide.

Contracting (week 3-4)

  • An agreement is formed to establish the way of working, frequency and duration of visits as well as fees associated with the support.


Step 4: delivery

Implementation and review (once agreements are confirmed)

  • Implementation of the person-centred approaches is completed with the network building ongoing review points.

End review

  • Following the recommended exit plan, the package of intervention and support is reviewed, with clear next steps identified


  1., 2022,

“We’ve been working with BeyondAutism for over 4 years now and the support is consistent, reliable and they maintain excellent communication always. They have been instrumental in creating the right circumstances for our daughter to succeed.”

Outreach service user

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Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW