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Empowering People, Launching lives

Lunch and learn schedule

Below is a full list of sessions for the 2024-25 academic year.

Click the links below to sign up to individual webinars (all 12:30pm-1pm). For more information our presenters, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can read about their experience in their respective fields.

Title Session overview Date of webinar

Before and after diagnosis: what support is available?

Explore what support is available to those awaiting diagnosis and those who have been recently diagnosed. We know the process can often be stressful and long for families, with waiting times continuing to lengthen. This session will look at what professionals can do to support. Wednesday, 25th September

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Managing residential and day trips

Having the opportunity to ‘learn through doing’ is important for all learners. This session looks at how those planning school trips can be inclusive for the full range of SEND. Friday, 25th October

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Emotional regulation and autism

This lunch and learn will discuss factors that can contribute to emotional dysregulation in autistic individuals and how exploring proactive and reactive strategies through co-regulation can lead to the development of independent self-regulation tools. Monday, 4th November

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Play times, breaks and lunch – managing unstructured times

Unstructured times, including breaks and lunch should be full of fun and games. It is also a point in the school day where children get to socialise. However, these times can be hugely challenging for those with social, communication and language needs. This session looks at how unstructured times can be fully inclusive.  Wednesday, 20th November

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Autism and challenges associated with eating

This lunch and learn will cover the common eating challenges and patterns associated with autism before looking at strategies for intervention. It is suitable for parents and carers as well as professionals who may need support to understand and manage feeding and eating problems with the autistic individuals they work with.   Tuesday, 3rd December

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Organisational skills and becoming more independent

Having strategies for being independent and organised is essential for successful learning. This session explores the barriers associated with poor organisational skills and looks at strategies to develop independence.   Wednesday, 11th December

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School routines and managing change

Change, transitions and routines all offer benefits and challenges to some learners with SEND. This session looks at how managing change can be accomplished successfully. Friday, 17th January

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Unlocking potential: understanding and supporting ADHD and autism (“AuDHD”)

Join Stephanie Camilleri, founder of The ADHD Advocate, for an inspiring and informative talk that delves into the intersection of ADHD and autism. Stephanie brings her wealth of expertise in neurodiversity to explore how educators, families, and communities can create environments where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. This session will provide a deeper understanding of the unique strengths and challenges faced by individuals with ADHD and autism, while offering practical strategies to empower choice, build independence, and foster resilience. Through actionable insights and real-world examples, Stephanie will equip participants with the tools to support neurodiverse individuals in achieving their aspirations.

Participants will gain valuable knowledge to reduce barriers to learning, promote employability, and build inclusive communities. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or community leader, this session is an opportunity to deepen your understanding, share experiences, and learn effective strategies to empower children and young adults with ADHD and autism. Together, we can create a world of greater choice, opportunity, and independence for all.

Thursday, 30th January

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Developing independence when travelling

Developing the right skills for navigating the community is essential for freedom and choice in adulthood. However, developing these qualities can often be a challenge. This session tackles the barriers and challenges associated with travelling in the community and developing independence. Wednesday, 12th February

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Using symbols in aided language input to learn and play

Join Sue White, Head of Education at Widgit for a session examining Aided Language Input, how to use Aided Language Boards, and what to avoid when creating them.

Widgit will demonstrate how easy it is to make your own boards using Widgit Online and showcase examples of communication partners interacting with young people.


Thursday, 27th February

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The EHCP journey: legal advice and practical support for parents of autistic children

Join Laxmi Patel, Partner at Boyes Turner, for a session looking at Education, Health and Care Plans, where to go for support and tips on how to deal with the process.

Laxmi is a leading solicitor specialising in SEND. She heads the Boyes Turner Education team and works closely with parents, schools, colleges and local authorities to ensure that children and young adults with SEND receive the support they need to achieve their educational potential. Laxmi and her team support parents through the entire EHCP process, including representation at the SEND Tribunal. She has successfully pursued cases for children with complex and wide-ranging learning disabilities including Autism, PDA, ADHD.


Tuesday, 11th March

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Making work experience successful  

Employability skills and career aspirations are often developed through encounters with professionals and businesses, making work placements an essential experience for all learners. This session explores how work experience can be successful for all learners through implementing specific teaching, vocational assessments, profiles and adjustments.   Friday, 21st March

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Managing transitions from Early Years to Schools

Starting school can be a huge step for both children and families. The transition can be a scary time. This session explores how to make the transition from Early Years to School successful when the child has additional needs or is autistic.   Friday, 25th April

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Further resources and approaches for Pathological Demand Avoidance

Building on our previous session on PDA, this session looks to expand and further build on the strategies available to teachers, school leaders, families and children themselves. We will focus on intervention strategies that can be applied within the home from mastering low demand approaches, navigating crisis and de-escalation to strategies that can be applied within provisions and settings. This lunch and learn aims to build upon existing knowledge of the PDA profile and highlight how an interdisciplinary approach can coordinate care across education, therapy and medical fields to ensure the needs of young people, and their families, are met.

Catch up on our previous session here.

Wednesday, 21st May

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Strategies for supporting learners who mask

Being able to identify a learner who is masking can be difficult, as well as finding the appropriate support and response. This session builds on previous Lunch and Learns to explore how professionals can support learners in their services or schools.   Friday, 20th June

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You can also view recordings of last years’ sessions here.

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