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Empowering People, Launching lives

Professional conference 2022 feedback

We hope that you enjoyed the content over the two days. We would be really grateful if you could take two minutes of your time to leave some feedback of what you thought of the conference. Thank you!

BeyondAutism Professional Conference feedback

Had you heard of 'BeyondAutism' before registering for the Professional Conference?
How would you rate the conference overall?
Would you consider the conference 'good value'? I.e. the quality of the sessions vs the ticket price?
Did the conference meet your expectations?
How informative were the sessions you watched?
Would you attend another BeyondAutism conference?
Where did you hear about the conference?

How likely are you to recommend the BeyondAutism Professional Conference to a colleague/ friend?
How likely are you to implement some of the learnings you took from the conference in your career or day-to-day life?
How many of the sessions from the event did you attend?
Please include your email if you would like us to contact you in regard to your responses

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