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Empowering People, Launching lives

Post-19 Provision

Post-19 is an educational service for autistic adults aged 19-25. The service focuses on developing functional communication and language acquisition as well as preparing students for adulthood.

To learn more about our Post-19 provision visit our website!

Post-19 learners

In the 2016–17 academic year, we ran a pilot of the Post-19 provision with one student in. This was incredibly successful and led to us making it a permanent service in 2017. There are now over 30 students accessing the service across three hubs in Wandsworth and Hammersmith.

Through an individualised personal curriculum, our students follow a programme of study that best prepares them for adulthood. We focus on the skills required for independent or supported living, training and employment, health and wellbeing and community participation.

By providing just enough support we are preparing our students for their lives after education and enabling them to have choice and control over where and how they live, what they do and with whom.


The shift from education to adulthood is a daunting one for every young person. At Post-19 we aim to make that transition as smooth as possible. Read our blog about preparing learners for adulthood and removing the cliff edge.

Registered Charity No. 1082599. Registered in England and Wales Ltd by guarantee No. 4041459 Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW