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Ofsted’s annual report – our 4 key take aways

7th December 2023

Latest news from the sector

Ofsted have released their annual report on education and children’s services. We’ve pulled out 4 key focus areas which have implications for SEND education from the findings in their report. These key areas reinforce our teams’ observations across the last few years through their interactions with school teams, pupils and their families:

  1. Teachers would like more training on how to support pupils with SEND
  2. There has been a 13% increase in the number of Alternative Provision (AP) placements, and AP is ‘too often used as a shadow SEND system’. 80% of pupils attending a state-funded AP have a SEND diagnosis.
  3. Improved early interventions could reduce the need for EHC plans and the pressure on health and education services.
  4. Ofsted are concerned that are being used more frequently than the DfE guidance which states they should only be used in exceptional circumstances. They are often being used whilst waiting for child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) assessments due to Emotionally Based School Avoidance or due to a pupil’s SEND.

Here are just some of the ways that we can support with the above at BeyondAutism:

  • Our training team can provide bespoke face-to-face training tailored to your needs on a variety of topics including understanding autism and EBSA. Online training on certain topics is also available.
  • Where the need is greater, our Outreach team support schools to remove barriers to learning, supporting learners who may be struggling to access school, such as those experiencing EBSA.
  • Where pupils may be approaching or at the point of crisis, our BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service empowers school teams through training, increasing expertise, and employing proactive strategies that enable future early intervention, reducing pressure on education & health services, whilst reducing exclusions and the number of SEND children accessing AP.

If you would like to hear more and for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs, get in touch today on 020 3031 9705 or

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