30th July 2020
The Karen Sorab Awards, a highlight of the year at BeyondAutism, looked very different this year. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to have full service assemblies with parents in attendance and rather had smaller celebrations for our winners. The staff awards also had a different feel to it with many staff joining the awards via video call whilst working from home!
The pupil awards were handed out to four pupils across the Schools and Post-19 who have made massive progress across the academic year. The winners have made immense strides in their communication, independence and have achieved great things like being confident enough to go out into the community and engaging in a much wider variety of activities with their peers.
Staff awards are handed out for each of our values. The winners were: Jordana Lyons for being dedicated to delivering excellence, Leonie Rimmer for being respectful, Cat Bradley for being committed to ABA and Pippa Day for being proud to challenge. Such was the quantity and quality of the votes this year two additional awards were given to two members of staff who have gone above and beyond to embody all four of our values. Dominic Gatward and Chelsee Maloney were the winners of the all-round awards.
Congratulations to all of our winners across the services and staff and to everyone who was nominated for the award.