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Empowering People, Launching lives


What's been happening at BeyondAutism…

The change we want to see

2nd April 2021

By Tracie Linehan, CEO World Autism Awareness Week is the perfect backdrop to not only raise awareness, it can be a catalyst for change. As we emerge from the pan… Read More

Employment for people with autism

30th March 2021

By David Anthony, Head of Research and Learning Sustained employment has never been more important. The most recent data from the Office of National Statistics, s… Read More

Active Citizens

5th April 2019

What is an active citizen? In our schools, citizenship is taught to address the desire to provide pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to … Read More

Just Enough Support

4th April 2019

This year, as we have devised our Post-19 curriculum, we have challenged ourselves to evaluate the notion of ‘what is education?’ and more specifically the ideas aro… Read More

Parent Resilience

3rd April 2019

Many parents raising children with autism experience higher levels of anxiety over the spectrum of their child’s additional needs; often from the moment they first s… Read More

Developing Pupil Voice

2nd April 2019

Pupils learning about Zones of Regulation As author Douglas Adams says, “The hardest assumption to challenge is the one you don’t even know you are making”. When … Read More

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