Empowering People, Launching lives
Read stories from people with autism, their families and the people who work with them.
24th March 2025
3 mins read
When does the journey to employment begin? In our latest blog, Head of Sixth Form, Jordana Smallwood, looks at the importance of building vital employability skills at school and how workplaces can support the transition
Contributor: Staff
11th December 2024
5 mins read
What's the connection between organisational skills and independence? In our latest blog, OT's Abigail and Stefani look at how these essential skills can help boost independence for autistic learners
Autism education, Building confidence
25th November 2024
1 min read
Find out how through the Higher Needs Supported Internship Programme, working at Early Years is helping Hope grow in confidence and skills whilst inspiring those around her.
30th October 2024
Organising a day or residential trip can sometimes be overwhelming. Here, we break down the importance of out-of-school learning for learners and share some key tips to make your trips accessible for all learners.
Autism education
15th October 2024
2 mins read
After a mammoth 26 hour ride, we spoke with Glen, who along with two friends took on this epic challenge and raised £2,400. Find out more about his journey here
Fundraiser story
Contributor: Fundraiser, Staff
It's essential to know that you don't have to go through it alone
30th September 2024
4 mins read
The period before and after an autism diagnosis can be full of uncertainty. In this blog, we look at what support is available for those going through the process and how to access that support.
Understanding autism
27th September 2024
Find out how attending Early Years, and the skills and knowledge picked up from the service, inspired a new career in special education for one parent
Contributor: Parent, Staff
26th July 2024
6 mins read
Does your child have issues with their sleep? Check out some super simple tips and strategies to help support your bedtime routine...
Top tips
12th July 2024
Issues with mental health affect around three quarters of autistic children and adults. Take a look at our blog highlighting some great strategies and techniques to support autistic learners at school
Autism education, Understanding autism
Staying in school provides stability for the child, allowing them to build on previous knowledge without disruption
21st June 2024
CEO, Tracie Coultas-Pitman, responds to recent reports of councils in England facing a near £1 billion deficit in SEN funding and how our BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service is helping find solutions.
9th April 2024
Join us as we extend the classroom far beyond its walls and into nature. Find out all about our Woodland Connections initiative and the impact it had on our learners.
Understanding the anxiety provoking triggers can help develop strategies to support people more effectively
7th March 2024
What are the typical characteristics associated with a PDA profile? And how can people with a PDA profile be appropriately supported? Find out answers to these questions on more in our latest blog
13th February 2024
Emotional regulation can be hard for any young person. Here we look at some of the reasons behind why that is, as well as strategies to support autistic learners.
Simply being in school is not enough, if the child is not able to access learning
24th January 2024
...when the reality is that mental health and SEN resources are at breaking point. Matt Wicks takes a deeper look at the issues faced by schools and how targets like this don't help the learners.
Let us challenge the misconception that autistic individuals must fit a specific mould to be seen as valuable
7th December 2023
In our latest blog, a BeyondAutism Intern looks at what needs to change to create a more inclusive society accepting of the wide range of talent, abilities and potential amongst autistic people
21st November 2023
Knowing how we manage adversity and what we need to enable a healthy recovery can provide the building blocks for future adversity. The importance of resilience, strategies to support and more...
Building confidence
16th November 2023
With more and more learners experience traumatic exclusions, we take a look at what needs to change and how our BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service can support
Behaviour, Inclusion
14th November 2023
Learn about Tiffany's journey at BeyondAutism Early Years and see how volunteering experiences can be adapted to meet individual needs.
Employment, Inclusion
9th November 2023
For Occupational Therapy (OT) Week we take a look into the theme of occupations and why OT is so important in an educational environment
2nd October 2023
89% of autistic children have some form of difficulty with feeding behaviours. Here, Carrie talks through some common issues around eating and strategies to support
31st July 2023
Here's how Sophia, 8, and her friends raised over £2,000 by not saying a word... all to support her brother and other autistic children
25th July 2023
We take an in-depth look at what the behaviour cycle is and how it can be a useful tool for creating a collaborative approach to behaviour and removing barriers to education.
19th June 2023
Whilst for some it brings joy, for others the summer holidays can be a stressful time. Here, Carrie shares some suggestions to help prepare autistic learners for summer.
Autism education, Top tips
Autism is estimated to be 3 times more prevalent in males than in females
24th May 2023
We take a look into the school experience for autistic girls as well as the possible pitfalls of the current diagnostic criteria which is leading to under-diagnosis amongst women
12th May 2023
A look at a recent trial with an exciting new piece of AAC technology and how this might impact our learners going forward
18th April 2023
The leap from education into adult life is daunting for any young person. Here we look at how we can prepare autistic children to make the transition into adulthood as smooth as possible
No family, or child, should have to wait until the point of crisis to get the support they need
30th March 2023
Our response to worrying reports of the new referral criteria for children's autism assessments in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire
27th March 2023
In this special World Autism Acceptance Week blog, we look at what it means to be leading autism education and what needs to be done to make education more inclusive.
8th March 2023
Sleep problems affect over two thirds of autistic children. In this blog, find out the most common sleep issues amongst autistic children as well as strategies to support.
23rd February 2023
Sensory challenges can have a significant impact on autistic people's everyday lives. We take a look into the sensory systems to find out why this is and some strategies and tools to support.
In understanding that each autistic individual has differing needs, we can modify the environment to suit each learner
13th February 2023
Every child has the right to an education which supports them to achieve a life full of choice and opportunity. Here's how an interdisciplinary approach can help us make the modifications needed to achieve this.
25th January 2023
School absence for students with SEN is increasing. But what is Emotionally Based School Avoidance and how can we support those learners back into school?
15th December 2022
Make your classroom more inclusive. By adapting your curriculum you can reach an entire class with the same lesson, find out how to get started today.
8th December 2022
Medical appointments can be confusing and unpredictable for many autistic people. Find out how we work with learners to ease anxieties around attending medical appointments and the impact it's had.
15th November 2022
With budgets stretched across the country it is more important than ever to take an analytical approach to behaviour to promote inclusion and reduce school placement breakdown
17th October 2022
What are the signs of autism in children? Does it run in the family? What support can I get? Read on for answers to these and many more questions about autism in children.
28th September 2022
Person-centred planning is a great way of ensuring that the individual remains at the heart of any decisions that affect them. Find out more about PCPs and their uses.
Thoughtpieces, Top tips
Adapt the environment – set the individual up to be successful
7th September 2022
From big to small, we face transitions every day. Find out how you can support autistic people with transitions and take away key support strategies and resources
9th August 2022
Take a look at some top tips for making your workplace more inclusive: from accessible interviews to support at work.
Employment, Top tips
15th July 2022
Here's how Sophia, 7, raised an incredible £784 by not saying a word... all to support her brother and children like him
30th June 2022
Robert, our intern, shares his own personal experiences of school and how neurodiversity can be better supported in the classroom.
Inclusion, Thoughtpieces
13th June 2022
Starting a new school year can be a difficult time for autistic children. Here are some great tips for parents and teachers to ease the transition.
Top tips, Transitions
31st March 2022
Flexibility is needed, now more than ever, to ensure that autistic people are given the opportunities to access meaningful employment
A job gives me a purpose to get up in the mornings
For World Autism Acceptance Week, we spoke to our interns to find out what barriers they have faced in the past and why employment is important to them.
20% of parents reported their child had been informally excluded at least once in the last two years
30th March 2022
This week we’re challenging people to think about how they can help change some of the national statistics that exist for autistic children and young adults.
28th March 2022
We spoke to Alison, a BeyondAutism parent, about her fight to secure educational provision for her son, Elliott.
We need to create a culture where accessing the right education is the starting point
12th November 2021
How many more reports and surveys need to be generated before school communities collectively seek solutions
22nd September 2021
Everyone deserves the opportunity to access meaningful employment. Working has a positive effect on the
12th May 2021
Ever since I was a little girl ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll has been my favourite novel.
30th April 2021
In this blog I will discuss the challenges that people with autism who are also LGBTQ+ can face and how being part of both groups can cause challenges on their own.
I remember how much progress I have made over the years
24th November 2020
What can employers do to promote neurodiversity and support their autistic employees?
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