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Empowering People, Launching lives

nPlan take on the Color Obstacle Rush

Author: Alex from nPlan and Alice Boddy, Community Engagement Officer

5th May 2022 | 2 mins read

Each person fundraising for BeyondAutism has their own story and motivations. Alex and the team joining her from London-based software company, nPlan, are taking part in the Color Obstacle Rush. We asked Alex what made them want to take part in the event. 

During storm Eunice earlier this year, Alex, Executive Assistant at nPlan, was on her morning commute when she came across a young boy who was naked.

The boy was putting himself in danger by running from one side of the road to the other, unaware of the oncoming traffic. I quickly realised that he was unable to communicate verbally and had autism.”  

For some people with autism, sensory challenges can cause strong reactions to tactile sensations. Sensations from fabrics, weather and foods can all carry the potential to discomfort. Removal of clothes, or ‘derobing’ occurs when a sensation causes distress. Without the necessary communication skills, children with autism can be left unable to describe the discomfort they are feeling and may not understand that this behaviour is socially inappropriate. Alex had witnessed a child in extreme distress, who was stranded and unable to express his needs.  

“Supported by a few strangers, I did what was possible to help clothe and comfort the boy until police arrived. However, the experience had a profound effect on me. Despite keeping the young boy safe, I was still left feeling that I could have done moreDespite never fundraising before, I set about researching to find a way to support a charity that supports children and young people with autism. I wanted to do something practical to turn the experience into something positive”  

Alex assembled her colleagues Dan and Sarah, who will be braving the course with her. Money raised from nPlan’s team effort will help BeyondAutism support children and young people with autism to navigate the world around them. This includes empowering families with the skills and strategies to manage behaviours that can present risks.  

Feeling inspired?

Why not join Alex and the rest of the BeyondAutism team for this years’ Color Obstacle Rush? Or if that doesn’t take your fancy, we have a range of other events to choose from. And if challenge events aren’t your thing, you could host your own event. Whatever your idea, we’d love to hear it!

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