Empowering People, Launching lives
Below are some statistics illustrating the prevalence of autism and how education needs are being served.
Just 30% of autistic adults in the UK are in any form of paid employment.[3] This is amongst the lowest rates of employment for people with additional needs or disabilities.
Autism is 3 times more prevalent in boys than girls.[4] Signs of autism in girls can present themselves differently and as a result can be misdiagnosed or missed leading to more boys getting a diagnosis.
31.3% of pupils with EHCPs have autism listed as their primary type of need.[5] That works out as 103,400 pupils and is the most common type of need listed among EHCPs in the UK.
Seven in ten autistic children and young adults said school would be better if more teachers understood autism.[6]
Each year the UK spends around £32bn in care and lost earnings to support autistic children and adults. With the right early intervention and support autistic people can live more independently.[7]
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