The Courtyard School is a free school for pupils with special educational needs. The pupils who attend the school have a diagnosis of autism spectrum condition and/or speech, language and communication needs.
They provide a personalised curriculum for up to 48 pupils, aged 13-19. Each pupil who attends the school follows an individual curriculum depending on a number of factors, which include academic ability, social and communication skills and strengths. The curriculum programme supports pupils to aspire to achieve at least five Level 2 qualifications, including GCSEs and BTECs.
The Courtyard creates a destination focused programme of study for all pupils, supporting pupils to develop ambition and aspiration for the future, considering their progress in academic, social, emotional and independent living skills. Elements of the destination focused programme are our extended project-based work experience placements and next phase transition support.
The Courtyard also offers a therapeutic element to the curriculum, through their links with CAMHS, the Local Authority Educational Psychology and Speech and Language teams, the Islington Learning Disability Partnership and their on-site art therapy service. All pupils are provided with a keyworker to oversee all their pastoral needs.
Enrichment opportunities support their commitment to supporting the pupils in developing their social and communication skills. Pupils annually take part in the dramatic performances, a school residential to the Cotswolds, sailing courses at Islington Boat Club and art exhibitions.
There are also weekly enrichment clubs including craft club, minecraft, yoga, cooking and board games.
As a free school, any consultation for places must be received via local authorities.