Rethink Mental Illness is a charity that believes a better life is possible for millions of people affected by mental illness. Rethink Plymouth Service offers 1:1 support, tailored to the individuals need, offering group support, signposting, peer-led support through a short term community support for people affected by mental illness. The service is a practical support service, with the aim of the service to be focused on client independence. There is a support plan involved also a recovery star and a risk assessment, these tools enable staff and clients to see their progression throughout the service. There are 4 – 6 monthly reviews, depending on client need and changes that may need to be made. They provide help such as housing, benefits, attending appointments/meetings, applying/attending courses, finding voluntary work, social groups, discovering new hobbies, and making contact with other services. The service offers a weekly social group, fortnightly pool group, and a monthly women’s group. There is also opportunities for monthly stake holder meetings to attend. The service supports people with ADHD, anxiety, arthritis, autism, brain injuries, cancer, cerebral palsy, communication impairments, dementia, diabetes, drugs and alcohol (need to engage fully in support), eating disorders, epilepsy, hearing impairments, heart conditions, learning disabilities, mental health, mobility issues, multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinsons, physical disabilities, stress, stroke, and visual impairments.