The outreach service is a targeted provision which supports statements and Education and Health Care Plans to assess children with autism in mainstream schools. They work collaboratively with schools and parents in their continuing development to create an inclusive and autism friendly learning environment, and to enable children and young people to achieve and succeed.
The team comprises of 5 outreach teachers, one of whom leads the service. They are based at Lark Hall Primary School and Centre for Autism. All members have training, experience and specialist knowledge in autism. The team focus on early intervention by becoming involved prior to the establishment of the Education and Health Care Plan. In addition, they work closely with parents, SENCo’s and school staff to develop inclusive practice, to raise awareness of autism, and ensure that the highest level of support is in place in order to achieve success.
The outreach teachers may work directly with the child or young person and advise staff through modelling, training, informing planning, target setting and providing resources. The team recognises the importance of close links with other agencies who are also involved with the child or young person such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists, particularly around developing and implementing strategies and interventions. They presently have links with surrounding boroughs and also support children and young people who are placed in neighbouring borough mainstream schools, living in Lambeth.