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Empowering People, Launching lives

0-5 SEN/D Service (including the Portage Home Visiting Service)

Key information

Early Years


Early Years


Autism specific

Contact information

01142 736411


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0-5 SEN/D Service offers support for children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities, their carers and education providers for children from 0-5+. The team is made up of qualified SEN specialist teachers, teaching assistants and Portage home visitors delivering a citywide offer across the 7 localities, working closely with families, settings and schools and partner agencies across education, health and care services to meet the needs of children with significant and complex additional needs. The service provides additional assessment of needs in relation to educational development and support and advice to carers and providers about meeting these needs. Casefile holders will be involved in the formal assessment process for children being assessed for an Education, Health and Care plan. The service also offers training and development opportunities on a centrally maintained and bespoke basis (as part of a traded offer) and support in settings to upskill practitioners with specialist strategies and approaches for specific needs. This service delivers the Area SENCo support to Private, Voluntary and Independent pre -school providers on Behalf of the Local Authority. There is a focus on supportive transitions from home to first setting and for the more complex needs, into schools.

Registered Charity No. 1082599. VAT No. 480334795. Registered in England and Wales Ltd by guarantee No. 4041459.
Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW