Every pupil in a school should receive high quality teaching as standard. However, where a pupil is struggling due to their additional needs, the SENCo may look to provide SEN Support.
SEN Support is provided by the school to ensure the pupil can achieve at school. It usually includes tried and tested interventions already set up within the school, such as social skills groups, reading interventions or individual mentoring. SEN Support follows the pattern of assess, plan, do, review and works in cycles. The pupil and their parent or carer should expect regular updates to the progress being made.
When a pupil’s needs cannot be met by SEN Support and additional specialist resources are required, an education, health and care assessment can be requested. This is made to the local authority and is usually done via the SENCo at school. However, a parent can make a direct request to their local authority SEN department if necessary.
The EHC assessment may lead to an EHC Plan being written and implemented. This is a legal document that outlines the pupil’s strengths, needs, and their outcomes – what does the young person want to achieve? This is then supported by provision which is outlined in the document. The EHCP is a formal document and means the pupil must receive what is documented. Autism is the most common type of special educational need for pupils with an EHCP.
When looking for support for an autistic pupil, the child’s class teacher and SENCo should be your first step. Additionally, your local authority will also have published information on the support they can offer. BeyondAutism also run specific services to support autistic pupils and their parents and carers. This includes our Outreach service, training, and BeyondAutism Fast Responder® service.