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Empowering People, Launching lives

Early Years’ Winter Fête

This December, you are invited to join the BeyondAutism Early Years’ team to celebrate the festive season with our autism-friendly Winter Fete, including a tombola, festive sweet treats and even a special visit from Santa!

We’ve got lots of activities planned from fantastic colouring in and crafts; to cake sales and a fabulous tombola! We’ll also have our own sensory-safe Santa with small gifts for all the children and many more surprises.

Tickets are £8 each, purchase yours today using the form below. Due to limited capacity, tickets are on a first-come, first serve basis for a one-hour slot of fun! If you have any questions about the event, get in touch.

If you are unable to attend, you can still show your support for Early Years by donating your ticket price for another family, using our “Donation ticket” option.

  • When: Wednesday 18th December, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
  • Where: BeyondAutism Early Years, 18 Blyth Road, Bromley, BR1 3RX

Please note, the 3.30pm-4.30pm slot is now fully booked, so just the 4:30pm-5:30pm slot is available.


Early Years' Winter Fête

Booker's name(Required)
Price: £ 8.00
Price: £ 8.00
Price: £ 8.00
Time preference(Required)
To make sure as many people get to enjoy the festive activities as possible, we will be assigning time slots on a first come first served basis. The two time slots are 15:30-16:30 or 16:30-17:30. Please state your time preference above and we will try to accommodate as best we can. We will then confirm your time and ticket in an email. When planning your journey, please bear in mind that the car park will not be available. There are alternative car parks close by at Bromley Travelodge and Mitre CI Parking.
Will you be bringing a buggy/push chair?(Required)
We would like to take photos at the event to share on BeyondAutism’s social media, website and newsletters, for the promotion of current and future events. Do you consent to photos of your child to be taken and used for these purposes?(Required)

Registered Charity No. 1082599. Registered in England and Wales Ltd by guarantee No. 4041459 Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW