Heart of the Forest Community Special School is a purpose built special school for children with severe, profound and multiple learning disabilities and complex needs. The school works with children and young people aged three to nineteen years, and provides a flexible curriculum broader than the national curriculum and one that is underpinned by a specialist curriculum. The school aims to help each pupil to develop as much independence as possible, and deals with communication and relationship building skills and practical skills. The integration of pupils is very important and as much time as possible is spent teaching and gaining experience in this field. Placement at the school is arranged through the local authority. The Heart of the Forest Community Special School caters for pupils aged from 3-19 years. All pupils have severe (SLD) or Profound and Mulitple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) and they may have associated behavioural difficulties and complex health needs. Therefore all pupils within the setting have special educational needs (SEN) and they either have a statement of SEN, an Education, Health and care Plan (EHC Plan) or are in the process of statutory assessment. Pupils in the process of statutory assessment are likely to be Early Years pupils but on rare occasions the process can occur at any stage of their education.