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Empowering People, Launching lives

Vermont School

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Contact information

023 8076 7988

Vermont Close, Off Winchester Rd, Southampton SO16 7LT

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Vermont is a small special school in Southampton for children aged 7-11 who experience social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. All of their pupils experience challenging behaviour and may also have many associated conditions and disabilities such as ADHD, Autistic Spectrum disorders and attachment disorders. Every child has a Statement of Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan. They promote a child-centred approach to enable their pupils to become independent learners and they foster a sense of enthusiasm for learning through a range of real life experiences and practical, hands-on activities. They support social and emotional well being through frequent social skills activities and they also provide ELSA support to develop their children’s resilience and coping strategies. They actively try to teach new behaviour skills to enable their children to cope with a range of situations and to teach them life skills for the future.

Registered Charity No. 1082599. VAT No. 480334795. Registered in England and Wales Ltd by guarantee No. 4041459.
Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW